The following disclaimer contains important information which needs to be read and understood before any session can take place between myself and a client:
Online Sessions
Payment must be paid an hour before any session begins via PayPal or Bank Transfer.
If payment hasn't been received, the session won't go ahead.
This is because I begin to create a safe space an hour before the initial contact. If Clients don't turn up, I have wasted my energy creating the space.
The Healing Space
The Healer walks the pathways alongside you to assist in transmuting energy and connecting you back to your soul’s life force. It will be your higher consciousness that leads the sessions. These pathways will lead to any obstacles on your soul path. Healing is working with the soul’s life force.
Integration Period
After each Healing Session there will be a 28-day cleansing process. This is where you are processing the healing and releasing any residual energy. This is where you personally have to give space for the healing to continue and integrate. During this time, you feel emotional, have an upset stomach, heavy period, headaches or other symptoms which are a result of energetic rebalancing taking place within you. It’s all part of the process energy being released from the physical.
I do offer all my clients support and guidance throughout the 28 days after the session.
Clients Understanding of The Healing Process
You understand when using energy medicine, the practitioner is not diagnosing or treating the physical body but is instead connecting spirit to spirit with a client to assist in addressing imbalances within the energy system as well as exploring the energetic influence of thoughts, beliefs and emotions and how they impact you.
You understand the distinction between healing using Energy Medicine and the practice of pharmaceutical medicine or any other licensed health care practice.
Any information presented is not intended to diagnose, cure or prevent any medical problem or psychological disorder.
By going ahead with your Healing Session or Reading, you are agreeing to have read and understood this disclaimer.